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Dimorphotheca Aurantiaca Tetra Orange - 100 Seeds - Non GMO

Dimorphotheca Aurantiaca Tetra Orange - 100 Seeds - Non GMO

Regular price $2.40 USD
Regular price Sale price $2.40 USD
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Orange dimorphotte Tetra Goliath (Dimorphoheca aurantiaca) is an extremely ornamental annual plant, reaching a height of 30-35 cm. Its shoots are ribbed, pubescent, branched and slightly lying on the ground. The leaves are elongated, lobate, fleshy and hairy. From June to autumn, on the tops of the shoots, large flower baskets develop, set on thin, stiff, hairy stalks. The flower baskets are composed of bright orange glossy ligulate flowers and dark tubular flowers forming an eye. The baskets close in the evening and on cloudy and rainy days. Plants look best in sunny and hot summers. Dimorfoteka can be grown in flower beds, borders and in rock gardens. It also works very well as a container plant. It can also be used as a cut flower.

Tetra Goliath dimorphotica seeds are sown in April-May directly into the ground at a distance of 15 x 20 cm. Plants require a sunny position and a humus, light, well-drained and fertile soil.

The package contains 0.5 g (about 80-100 seeds) of Tetra Goliath dimorphic seeds, the seed expiry date for sowing and the rules of cultivation.

Latin name: Dimorphoheca aurantiaca
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